Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Stillness: The Peach of L.I.F.E.

The Stillness©

in the stillness is
where I live
in the stillness is
where I give
in the stillness is
where I have my being
in the stillness
is where I sing
in the stillness is
where I’m held
in the stillness I
feel at ease
in my stillness
i breathe…
~m. frazier

As I continue to live L.I.F.E. I’m am soooo fascinated with the fact that it gets juicier and juicer by the moment. Have you ever stopped to pay attention to the simple things in your L.I.F.E. Like the fact that when you bite into a sweet Georgia peach the juiciness of each bite. The kind of bite that squirts allover you and makes you step back look at the peach and just say, “Wow,” and smile. That bite is so impactful that you actually want to share it with a loved one so they can experience just how great the peach tastes.

Well, I feel like that is how L.I.F.E. is…juicy like a Georgia Peach! I take in every moment, savoring each drop, so I can in-JOY it, and not rush through eating it.

Last night I had the fortune of reconnecting with an old friend. Over the years I lost contact with this person and realized how my lack of presence in there L.I.F.E. deeply hurt them. For many years I walked through this thing called L.I.F.E. merely existing. Now, in this moment, I realize that I AM LIVING! In the moment I embrace the value of friendship and having beautifull, loving, people in my L.I.F.E.

Allow yourself to feel the stillness in your L.I.F.E. You ask what is that stillness? That quiet place where you allow God to speak to you. That place that even though there may be chaos going on about you slow yourself down to actively listen to your loved one. That moment where you pay attention to your in breath, and your out breath. That moment where you completely shut off your cell phone and pay attention to everything your child is saying to you.

Allow yourself to be with yourself for a few moments and allow the stillness to speak to you, and simply BE aware of that moment. In these moments fear, competition, worries, don’t exist. Your stillness is your TRUE essence. Simply exist in your essence.

love & light…

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