Thursday, May 21, 2009

BE Still...

The last few swim practices have truly been L.I.F.E. changing sessions and helped me a lot with how I approach not only swimming but my L.I.F.E. To Live In Full Expectation only means to live one way: FEARLESSLY. For me that simply means identifying my fears or things that may provoke some anxiety, embrace how I feel, and do it anyway. F.E.A.R. is an immobilizing force. That word F.E.A.R. is very tricky! It simply means False Evidence Appearing to be Real! It can literally stop people in their tracks from them accomplishing their goals and dreams. It can manifest itself through so many different ways: self-sabotage, excuses, etc.

Because I am challenging my youth & staff to live FEARLESSLY, it’s only right that the bar I have for myself is even higher. As I train for the 2009 Ironman Wisconsin, it has been a L.I.F.E.long dream to cross that infamous finish and to be declared an Ironman! As a kid, I remember sitting in front of the television watching the Hawaii Ironman and seeing Dave Scott & Scott Tinley competing for the title several times. I asked my dad, “Dad, how come no black people are out there swimming?” My dad, being his comedic self, said, “Boy, you know black people don’t swim.” As we both laughed he said, “If you want to do it, then DO IT.” I’ve taken those words and applied them to my L.I.F.E. in all capacities. And NOW the opportunity is presenting itself.

Although this is one of my L.I.F.E. Dreams it doesn’t excuse any anxieties or fears that I may possess:). For those that know me, swimming long distances has been challenge for me. But what is L.I.F.E. without a few F.E.A.R.’s to keep you on track? Swimming 2.4 miles is not the easiest thing to do in any capacity, but it’s another step closer of me achieving my goal of crossing that finish line, and giving up is not an option.

But back to my original point of my swimming practices, the last two practices our coach has made us swim with our eyes closed. I’m like…”just swimming all the mileage is difficult as it is, but now close our eyes!” LoL…But in the moments of closing my eyes I realized that if I just can BE still, relax my mind and allow the technique to carry me I will be okay. You may ask, “How can you BE still, when you’re moving?”

BE still and flow with the water. Once I relaxed and I breathed I was able to clear my mind and flowed with the water. Even though my eyes were closed, I was still able to see and know where I was going. Okay, I still ran into the lane ropes, but you get my point…lol Having the willingness to confront your F.E.A.R.’s (swimming with your eyes closed), embrace the F.E.A.R., and BEing still allows you to go with the flow, and ultimately be successful. This is a metaphor for L.I.F.E.!

No matter what you are facing: an IronMan, a L.I.F.E. struggle, living a healthier, working in the field of your choice, dealing with the recession…just identify your F.E.A.R.’s, size them up, and then just BE still and watch yourself come alive…

Bruce Lee said it best,

“Empty your mind
Become formless, shapeless
Like water
Put water in a cup, it becomes the cup
Put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle
Put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot
Now water can flow or it can crash
Be like water my friend”

4 L.I.F.E.!

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